The association was incorporated in July 1997 with the following OBJECTIVES and STRATEGIES
To implement and manage the Vine Industry Nursery Accreditation Scheme. To implement and manage the VINA Certified Standard To advocate on behalf of vine nurseries with industry bodies and Government To facilitate research and education programs for nurseries and industry. To represent and promote the interests of vine nurseries in matters of general interest that may affect their well being and viability. To coordinate the efforts of vine nurseries in order to give unity of purpose and strength in the best interests of vine nursery development. To provide a channel for communication and dissemination of information between vine nursery operators and with other sectors of the grape and wine industry.
Present nurseries' views to industry bodies.
Discuss common issues and share technical information.
Promote education within the group and also to customers.
Prioritise research applicable to nurseries.
Encourage best practice and maximum operating and product standards.
Facilitate the Vine Nursery Accreditation Scheme (VINAS).
Open to any interested vine nursery operator and may include elected representatives from any
grape growing or winemaking organisations, and owners of certified or approved vine propagation
material available for nursery propagation.
Management Committee 2023
Chair -
Steven Partridge
Arm Nursery, Western Australia
Deputy Chair -
Secretary -
Andy Gordon
KC Vines & Rootstocks, Trentham Cliffs via Mildura